Starting a political dialog
Does effective climate change mitigation need a change in our individual behaviour? Or does it need new policies and rules& regulations? We think both. And thats why we developed a new comprehensive smart-phone application.
Starting with individuals our app forms groups of people, who assess the impact of their lifestyle on our climate, compare with others, try to improve their footprint. And then these groups get active and enter into dialog with policy makers to demand their share of the responsibilities.
To achieve this we can now offer a first version of our new app:
Check out in the Apple Appstore: A better day
Also available on Google Playstore: A better day
If you prefer to use it on your computer:
This App is a perfect tool for climate-challenges in local communities, towns or regions. Special regional groups can be formed and tailor-made challenges, suggestions and information can be forwarded to the right people.
If you are interested, please get in contact:
Nationalstiftung für Forschung, Technologie und Entwicklung" Austria. Thank you very much.